Emergency Preparedness
Northeast Nebraska Public Health Department (NNPHD) Responsibilities:
NNPHD Responsibilities and Plans to Protect the Community
Preparedness for Natural Disasters:
Preparedness for specific types of emergencies:
Global or Pandemic Infectious Disease
Personal preparedness:
Simple activities for everyone
Utility Shut-Off and Safety Skills
Preparedness for schools:
How to plan and prepare for an emergency
How to draft your emergency plan and response
How to Create a Shelter-In-Place Plan
Website for School Emergency Planning
Preparedness for businesses:
How to plan and prepare for an emergency
How to draft your emergency plan and response
Preparedness for healthcare facilities:
Seniors, Long-Term, Acute & Chronic Care
Outpatient Clinics & Urgent Care
Preparedness for Faith Based Organizations:
Faith-based Preparedness Resources
Earthquake Preparedness:
Mass dispensing of medications during an emergency:
Contacts for preparation and planning:
NNPHD Emergency Volunteer Opportunities
National Incident Management System (NIMS) Training
IS 100.c: Introduction to Incident Command System
IS 200.c Basic Incident Command System for Initial Response
Quick Guides
Radiological Dispersion Device