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Disease Surveillance

Disease Investigation and Surveillance

Disease investigation is focused on preventing the spread of sicknesses caused by germs. We work with the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, and local partners to:

·    Prevent the spread of sicknesses

·    Promote community readiness to respond to diseases and other threats

·    Protect the public


How we work with others to prevent the spread of disease:  

Northeast Nebraska Public Health Department works with:

  • National Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
  • State of Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services, Office of Communicable Disease
  • Local public health partners: EMS, Acute Health Care and Schools

through the following activities:

  • Daily- Monitor presence of Infectious Disease in the health district (Cedar, Dixon, Thurston and Wayne Counties in Northeast Nebraska)
  • During Disease Outbreaks- Provide accurate, timely and reliable information to health professionals, local government and the public.  Bring extra supplies to the area from the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) to help with a local response.  Examples of local disease responses from NNPHD include:  TB, Avian Influenza, H1N1 Influenza and Salmonella.
  • After Disease Outbreaks- Help communities return to "normal" by providing information and guidance of Infectious Disease in the NNPHD Health District

EMS- Emergency Medical Services:

  • Daily Activities- Report potential cases of infectious disease to NNPHD
  • During Disease Outbreaks - Syndromic Surveillance to NNPHD



  • Daily Activities - Report individual cases of Infectious Disease to NNPHD
  • Daily Activities – Hospitals, clinics and labs report Influenza Like Illnesses (ILI) weekly to NNPHD
  • During Disease Outbreaks - Assist with illness reporting as requested


  • Daily Activities- Report potential cases of serious infectious disease to NNPHD
  • Weekly Activities -Report illness absences by symptoms weekly to NNPHD
  • During Disease Outbreaks -Daily Syndromic Surveillance



Flu Season:

Go to for more information about how to protect yourself and loved ones from the flu.  

Click here to find out more about flu in Nebraska.