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Northeast Nebraska Public Health Dept

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Vital Records

The Office of Vital Records preserves birth, death, marriage and divorce records which occur in Nebraska . The records maintained by this office are issued as legal certified copies and are printed on multi-colored security paper with a digitally enhanced state seal. Certified certificates are used for providing proof of self and in obtaining records such as a driver's license, Social Security cards, passports, registering for school, sporting activities, transfer of property and for collecting retirement benefits or . . .


 Licensing & Registration Restaurant Inspection Nebraska Food Inspectors & Establishment Application Information USDA Food Safety & Inspection Website Water  Water Well Standards Drinking Water  Harmful algal blooms  and E. coli sampling Swimming Pools Licensing Search for a License Order License Lists Child Care Programs Health Care & Child Care Provider Disciplinary Actions Health Care Facilities . . .

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Sign Up NOW for the News Update

Did you know there is a way to make sure you are always in the know when it comes to special announcements, schedule changes, and closings at your school or organization? How?  Sign up to receive News Update/s. L7 and L8:   On the left side of the front page of our web site, click on "Sign up for News Update" and select the Update/s you want to receive (you can choose more than one, if available).   L9:  Click on "read more" to view this entire . . .

stack of newspapers

Mobile View

In addition to view choices, the mobile view offers additional features like:      A responsive design that adjusts to any display size Dynamic imagery with color and photos Collapsible navigation Language translation Search function Scrolling banners Calendar Highlights Polls Quick Links As of June 2019, Pew Internet Research reported 81 percent of American adult cell phone owners have a smartphone. In addition, roughly 50 percent of American adults own a . . .

man holding iPhone

Want a Great Way to Track Events?

  Check out the Activities Calendar on this site.  This easy-to-use tool: provides up-to-date school activities and events allows you to view and print a daily, weekly or monthly list of calendar events includes a search option to find a specific event sends you e-mail reminders for events you select Using the calendar is easy! Click on the “Sign In now for FREE event reminders” and choose “Sign Up NOW” to complete the registration screen. Select . . .
