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Northeast Nebraska Public Health Dept

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Colon Rectal Cancer Screening

     Colorectal cancer is steadily on the rise and is being detected in younger people. There is no exact cause, but our diet and exercise patterns are some of the suspects for the increase in cases. It is imperative to be pro-active and complete regular screenings that may catch colorectal cancer early. We provide free colorectal cancer screening kits to individuals 45 and older that wish to complete it within the privacy of their own home. The Fecal Immunochemical Test or FIT is easily done at home and takes about 5 . . .

Volunteer to help during Emergencies

Help Your Community During Emergencies Major emergencies can overwhelm first responders, especially in the first 12–72 hours. Volunteers play a vital role in filling gaps and boosting local response efforts. NNPHD has a volunteer sign-up system for anyone willing to help during or after a public health emergency. We collect names, phone numbers, and email addresses to match volunteers with specific needs. Your information will be kept private and confidential. If an emergency occurs, volunteers may be contacted . . .

Emergency Preparedness

Volunteers are needed to help others during and after a disaster happens.         Volunteers are vital to local public health departments because they provide essential support during emergencies and help keep communities safe. In times of crisis, such as disease outbreaks or natural disasters, volunteers assist with tasks like distributing supplies, sharing important health information, and supporting medical staff. Their efforts help ensure that response teams can reach more people quickly and . . .

We've Got FREE COVID-19 Testing Kits.

Northeast Nebraska Public Health Department 215 N Pearl Street in Wayne, Nebraska  8:30AM-4:30PM Monday-Thursday 8:30AM-1PM Friday. COVID-19 testing can help you know if you have COVID-19 so you can decide what to do next, like getting treatment to reduce your risk of severe illness and taking steps to lower your chances of spreading the virus to others. Questions? Give us a call at 402-375-2200.